Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Warning Signs That Your Life Needs an Overhaul

The environment that we put ourselves has a strong influence on the life that we live. Everything from the people we meet, to the books we read, and the programs we watch. It all influences the direction of our life.
But all too often, we don’t take the time to assess the environment we’re living in and make sure that it aligns with our bigger goals in life.Here are a few warning signs that you may need to :shake up your life”, and I’m sharing them with you today because I genuinely hope that if any of these apply to your life, you’ll take the time to fix them.
If you don’t, you’ll be putting a cap on your otherwise limitless potential.

Warning Sign 1 – There Aren’t Enough People Ahead of You

“If you’re always at the head of your class, then you’re in the wrong class.” You need people around who have been around the proverbial block. It helps to have people who are a little more experienced that you can learn from. You can’t lead yourself; sometimes you need to be a follower so you can learn something worthwhile.
And if you’re always the brightest star in your tight knit circle, you’re personal growth is going start slowing down. But when you can consistently tap into brilliant minds, you can grow two, three, or even five times faster than you ever could on your own.
A quick way to make this change is find a community where people who are better than youcongregate. It could be an online forum or maybe a mastermind group. But find that group of people who are doing better than you and connect with them.

Warning Sign 2 – You Are Never Pushed Out of Your Comfort Zone

We all know it. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. It couldn’t be truer. Almost every time I’ve made something significant happen in my life, I did so by stepping out of my comfort zone.
If you walk through life every day and you never feel challenged, that’s a problem. If you never feel a little uncomfortable, that’s problem. Growth only happens you stretch beyond what you usually do. You don’t grow by doing the same thing, the same way, every time.

Warning Sign 3 – You Don’t Wake Up Excited

I was an engineering major for three years. I had a summer internship with the number three company on the Fortune 500 list and they paid me more money than I’d ever been paid before. I made more money during that 10-week summer internship than I made the other 42 weeks of the year combined working my part time job. But guess what? I didn’t wake up excited. I actually hated going to sleep sometimes because I didn’t want to wake up the next day and have to go back to work.
Red flag right? It was such a red flag that not only did I turn down a full time job offer from company, I also changed my major from engineering entirely! If I was dreading working for this internship, there’s no way I would make it as an actual full time employee.
If you don’t wake up excited for life, you need to make a change right now. Not to sound cliché, but you literally only get one life. There’s no reset button. So every time you wake up, it should be a joyous moment where you realize you can get back to doing work that matters.
Don’t be one of those people who hate Mondays and love Fridays. There’s nothing inherently wrong with Monday, you just need to change what Monday means to you.

Warning Sign 4 – The People Around You Aren’t Focused on Growing

This one is a slight variation on the first warning sign.
Everyone around you doesn’t have to be bona fide superstar, but it becomes a problem when every one around you isn’t focused on intentional growth. If the people in your environment are content with where they are in life and have no desire to get better, it’s time to jump ship.

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