Tuesday, 25 February 2014

4 Ways You Can Be More True To Yourself

Have you ever worked hard towards a goal only to feel that those around you either distance themselves or are opinionated and un-supportive about what you are doing?
Well, my friends…..welcome to success.

Less is More

Many years ago, I implemented changes into my life and was dedicated to seeing them through. Weighing 95Kgs, suffering heavy depression, anger and alcoholism, I had come to a point where things had to change as I was headed for nowhere.  Quitting alcohol cold turkey and hiring a personal trainer, my focus became primarily on the vision of gaining a better life for myself. You would think that knowing the state I was in, that all people would be supportive in the new direction I had taken, however that is to be naive. It took only a few months for many friends to drop off and for the uninvited negative slander that came my way. Some people, even deliberately tried to sabotage my early stages of achievement.
Whilst disappointed at first with those who could not understand the importance of my dedication to a new life, I had to quickly learn not to take things too personal. Why? Because if I took into consideration the conflicting opinions and unsupportive behavior of others, I would have placed my values second best and most likely forfeited my goals.
After enormous amounts of time, energy and commitment, I lost 35kg’s (77 pounds), defeated depression and have been without alcohol for 4 years. Along side combatting these, I have gained an entire new life of true happiness and have never looked back. With time, the return of friends I thought I had lost reentered my life.

Quality Over Quantity

Friends and people are of utter importance, but the distancing or elimination of those who distract, hold us back and fill our minds with negativity, is a positive step in the right direction.  It seems harsh, but it is unnecessary to make excuses for those who do not allow us to be ourselves in the way we choose. What humanity at times fails to remember is that we are all unique in our form, thoughts and desires, which is enough reason to do individually what we need to do.
The fear of loneliness or loss is a roadblock in the journey of success. If we desire to have our dreams come true and be focused, it comes with a price – at first. Letting go of people who stand in our way, in time highlights those who are backing us all the way. We begin to see who is with us no matter what stage we are in life and we are able to form stronger friendships that enable us to be ourselves without feeling bad.
People who dislike or sometimes unknowingly discourage our changes, positive outcomes and success, have issues of their own. Perhaps they feel threatened, insecure, challenged, jealous and/or weren’t true friends to begin with. Learning to respond to these types of personalities, with gentleness and without taking offence, can leave the door open for future friendship and being a possible support or inspiration to them. It also allows us not to take on burdens of those who do not approve.

Shoe on the other foot

All of us at some point have made an opinion on another being, due to where we stand. Perhaps next time we want to share our opinion with someone who is striving towards their goals, we need to remember the difference between those who support us and those who oppose us.
Are we being the friend who allows or tries to hold someone back?


Placing ourselves as number one is unselfish, if what we are aiming for betters our life, health, relationships and existence.  To have a vision, does not mean that everyone needs to be onboard with it. If it is in your heart, follow your heart. Time spent alone, to listen to the inner voice in keeping your compass pointing in your own direction, also roots a deep friendship with yourself – the one who can support you the most.
Free yourself of the ties that prevent you from being you and you will thank yourself that you stopped for no one.

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