Sunday, 23 February 2014

5 Ways to get visitors to your blog without Search Engines

Without traffic what can happen

Running a blog without traffic is useless and boring. If you are running a WordPress blog and you have zero traffic then where is the point of paying the hosting bill. Some people do blogging to share their views with others. Now, if there are no visitors then with whom he will share his opinions? So, many things can happen if you have no traffic or less traffic in your blog. Such as,
  • Without enough traffic your contents are useless.
  • You can’t earn money blogging without a good amount of traffic.
  • Without quality traffic you won’t get any comments in your article and articles without comments will be less interesting.
  • If you are selling products in your blog then without traffic you can’t sell them.

*How to get visitors without search engines

There are lot of ways to drive traffic to your blog. Among them optimizing your content for search engines is the best way. But doing SEO is hard and it’s a long time procedure. There are some other ways by which you can drive some traffic easily. Now I’m going to tell you about those ways.

*Join Blogging Communities

Blogging communities are great to drive targeted traffic. There are a lot of communities to join. They get a lot of visitors daily. So, why don’t you join them, share your article and drive some of their traffic to your blog. These communities are also a good source of backlinks. Blogging communities are important for building relationships with other bloggers.

*Use Social Networks

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon are good source of traffic. Sharing your articles there can get you a nice amount of visitors. In my experience, StumbleUpon is better than any other networks to drive targeted traffic. Social networks are also good for marketing your products.

*Use Video Networks

You can also drive traffic to your blog using video networks like YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Vimeo and others. Just make some helpful video, upload them and see the result. Don’t forget to add your links in the video description. Try to put your blog link inside the video. Video networks are now a good source of earning. You can monetize your YouTube videos using AdSense.

*Join Facebook groups

Actually this point should be included in the 2nd one (Use Social Networks) but I’d like to write about it separately because Facebook groups are now another good source of visitors. Actually these groups are great to build relationships among bloggers. You can easily make your blog known to other bloggers through these groups.

*Do Blog Comments

You can comment on other blogs to drive traffic to your blog. Commenting on other blogs is a nice way to get comments back. Try to make sensible comments and avoid spamming. Large comments are always eye-catching. Commenting on ‘Comment-Luv’ enabled blogs is very helpful to get direct traffic to your recent posts.

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