Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The No.1 Reason Why People Fail And 9 Ways To Change It

It can be really annoying and frustrating. You get up early, you roll up your sleeves, you are working really hard all day long, day after day… yet, it is not working out for you.
It seems like, no matter what you do, you are not moving forward and you are not enjoying the success you deserve.
But why?  What’s wrong here?

Maybe you are just spinning your wheels

There are thousands of hard-working people who never succeed. Why? Because it is not so much the amount of work you are doing that counts most, but the quality of your work.
You could carry a big stone from A to B and then back to A and again to B… This could go on for hours, days and weeks. But, do you think, this would get you anywhere? Of course not.
But that’s more or less what so many people do in their personal careers. They focus on minor tasks that don’t really matter and no matter how many hours they put in, no significant results will show up.

I know, sometimes it’s tough to focus on those crucial, all important tasks

We do what we are used to do. We prefer to remain in our comfort zone. When we have the choice between 2 different tasks, we tend to pick the easier one.
But, unfortunately , that’s also the recipe for failure.

Make it a habit to focus on your most important tasks first

You know what those all important tasks are. I’m talking about those things that help you to really move forward, to take your business to the next level… and to make success inevitable.
But,  those secondary tasks are usually much easier, oftentimes they are also more fun and at the end of the day they provide you with the illusion that you got a a hell lot of work done and that you should be proud of yourself.
The truth is, you will NEVER get everything done and that’s absolutely normal. However, instead of focusing on secondary and even less important tasks you should make it a habit to focus 100% on your most important tasks and tackle those other tasks only once you are finished with your primary tasks.

It is not at all as difficult as you may think

Yes, breaking old habits and establishing new ones is always a bit of a challenge – but only at the very beginning.
You can get used to pretty much anything in life and it doesn’t take much longer than 3-4 weeks to adopt a new habit. And I promise, the habit of focusing on your primary tasks first will change your entire life and it will almost guarantee your success.

Here are 9 simple steps that will help you to establish the habit of  “completing your most important tasks first before doing anything else” fun and easy:

1: Identify your most important tasks

I’m sure, you already know what those most important tasks are in your case. Oftentimes, those are the tasks you like the least. The tasks that require you to step outside your comfort zone. The tasks you may be a bit afraid to tackle…

2: Make a list of your most important tasks

Make a list of your priority tasks for the next 3 months, for the following month and for the following week.
Also, at the end of each day make a list of your primary tasks and action steps for the following day.

3: Make the decision to tackle your most important task first

Before going to bed, promise to yourself to focus 100% on your most important task first thing in the morning. Make the commitment that no matter how you feel in the morning, whether you are motivated or not, whether there are tons of emails in your inbox… that you will jump on this top priority task as soon as your work day starts.

4: Visualize yourself performing this task easily and successfully.

Imagine, feel and visualize how much fun you have and how good it feels once your task is completed. This is an excellent way to prepare your subconscious mind to already get going while you are asleep. When you wake up in the morning, a part of you has already been working on your #1 task and it will be much easier for you to complete it.

5: Don’t think too much, just do it

The mind can be very tricky when it comes to performing those sorts of tasks that lie outside our comfort zone. If you spend too much time weighing your options, you may find all kinds of excuses why it would be better to do something different. Don’t think too much, just get going. Take action and get started.

6: Don’t worry about doing a perfect job

When you need to do something you are not used to, your performance will probably be mediocre. And that’s perfectly ok.
So, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It is still better to do a mediocre job than doing nothing at all.

7: Push through those critical first 10-15 minutes

It could very well be that you don’t feel the slightest drive and motivation to get started with your priority task. That’s normal and that’s the reason why people procrastinate.
But, there is a simple trick to get around this lack of motivation. Commit to get started and to push through those first 10-15 minutes. 10-15 minutes is nothing and you can do it even if you have zero motivation.
Don’t think too much, don’t dwell on your lack of motivation. Just jump into your tasks and do at least something.
After those 10-15 minutes, your creativity suddenly starts flowing, ideas are coming, you feel the drive and motivation… and you are simply enjoying the process.

8: Enjoy your achievement

Once you are finished with your priority task, realize how good it feels. Enjoy your achievement and be proud of yourself.  This will fuel you with even more energy and motivation for your remaining tasks.

9: Make it a habit

You have done a great job so far, but you didn’t create a new habit yet. So, I’m pretty sure, over the next few days you will encounter once again a situation where the temptation is huge to focus on one of those easier, less important tasks.
That’s normal, establishing a new habit takes some time – typically 3-4 weeks. Just keep on going and know that it is getting easier with every day and that after only 3-4 weeks you will have created a habit that will completely change your life and make success almost inevitable.

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10 Great Ways To Make Money While You Sleep

Passive income online is something of a holy grail. Everyone wants to “make money as they sleep.” After all, if you can take care of paying the rent without having to spend your time massaging spreadsheets all day, you can do something more worthwhile with your life.
That’s why we are offering you: 10 Great Ways To Make Money While You Sleep.

10 Great Ways to Make Passive Income Online

As with any business that a large number of people want to enter, the widely known sources ofpassive income have enough people entering those markets that you can expect lots of competition. Your success depends on whether or not you are able to jump the various barriers to entry that inevitably appear. Unfortunately, jumping those hurdles can (if you’re not careful) seriously reduce the “passive” side of passive income online. Certainly in the beginning, passive income can make for longer (sometimes much longer) working days than traditional income.
Once income is coming in, you may still need to check on things and put in work to keep it going. The mindset of someone who succeeds in passive income is not that of “get it done and go surfing.” You need the mindset of an investor. Passive income always starts with a significant investment: if you buy real estate, it’s a financial investment. If you want to make passive income online, you’ll almost certainly invest a very significant amount of time.
The process of making passive income online involves three choices:
- Your business model
- Your niche
- Your target market.
Once you know these, you can implement your business idea, test, and repeat until you have the income you want.
For all the noise about income online, the process is remarkably simple. Try not to get distracted by the flashing lights and shiny objects along the way.

1 - Build an affiliate blog

Affilliate Online moneySet up a blog, promote the blog, and use it to promote affiliate offers. This is by far the best known way to generate a source of passive income online.
Start with an affiliate site like ClickBank or Commission Junction. Find a few offers in a category that you know a bit about. Ideally offers with some degree of recurring income. Make sure they have good numbers, and do your keyword research to make sure there’s demand. After figuring out what keywords to optimize your blog for, start a new blog and write articles. SEO optimize the blog, and promote it around the web. Once the traffic numbers start going up, deploy some ads for affiliate offers. People click on the ads, and you get paid.
Now repeat the process until you have ten or twenty blogs, or maybe hundreds if you want tomake some serious cash online.

2 - Put together an auto-responder list

Make Money Online Squeeze PageOne of the Internet’s most common business models. Once you know approximately what kind of market you want to attract, put together a free product or information people can download if they give you their email. Now drive traffic to a “landing page” that asks for the visitors’ email address. You can even install plug-ins nowadays called Squeeze pages that pop up with an e-mail sign up box when people visit your page. This is a great way to build subscribers and a sales funnel to sell to.
Use an auto-responder like aWeber to email your subscribers the link to download the product or quality information you have to offer, and follow-up with a series of (automatically sent) emails. Spread over weeks and months, build some rapport with your subscribers and then try to sell them on any number of products or affiliate offers. Make sure you break it up though, you need to offer something of value and every few mail outs or so you can send them a link to the product you wish to sell them.

3 - Create a membership community

Make Money Online Membership CommunityThis is a natural follow-on to the first two methods. If you establish yourself as a worthwhile source of information, you can charge people a membership fee to receive more information or more access. You get recurring income in exchange for your research and time spent producing high-quality content. For truly passive income, you don’t produce the content at all, and instead pay others. Quality control becomes the main challenge then.
Timothy Sykes who is a self-made millionaire through his penny stock trading and membership website has proven that membership communities do work, and very well may I add.
Find out how Timothy Sykes makes a cool $125,000+ per month of passive income online with his membership community.

4 - Sell commercial products online

Shopify - Sell Online Make MoneyCustomers are buying products online at an extensive rate nowadays. This means that there are a large number of customers looking for exactly what YOU can supply them with.
Checkout Shopify.com. They supply you with all the tools you need to sell online.
A number of people have proven that this is a great platform to sell products online. Put up a page and promote it. People pay you money. The product gets delivered to them, while you kick back as the money rolls in.
If Shopify is not your thing then you can always try your luck with eBay. You know what they say, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, so scour through your cupboards and sheds  and sell off some of your unwanted treasures.

5 - Arbitrage services

middle man make money onlineIf you can find a market willing to pay significant amounts of money for a service (like writing or design), and a source of labor that provides the needed quality for a lower price, you can arbitrage the two. You act as the “middle man”, “the hook up”.
Funnel the expensive work to the cheap source and profit off the difference.

6 - Find Sponsors for Articles or Regular Columns

sponsorshipsSome website or blog categories tend to be more popular than others. These can be monetized through sponsorship of a product, logo or mentions of the sponsor.
Try to find a sponsor for the articles that tend to attract the biggest number of visitors. The column can be branded or an ad can appear inside a visible open space of the article. Just note that the article or announcement is sponsored by “so and so company”, not only is this good because you are being honest with your visitors, it also shows other potential advertisers that this as a lucrative and effective option that you offer.

7 - Sell your own information product

Make Money Sell Your Own Product OnlineThis is just like selling an eBook, except you publish and sell it yourself (generally) and it can come in the form of an eBook, DVD, software, audio book or VHS video.
When selling your own information product it allows you to keep a higher percentage of the profit. You have greater flexibility with upsells and landing pages compared with selling your products on a 3rd party site, and you can even use this to build your list (see #2), two birds with one stone ;)

8 - MLM / network marketing

Multi Level Marketing - MLMFor people who are willing to put in the time understanding just what MLM (Multi Level Marketing) is. The problem with this approach is that it’s very close to a pyramid scheme. In essence, you make money from signing up people who sell the product. A number of highly reputable entrepreneurs such asDonald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki are big fans of Multi-Level Marketing.
Do your research first and make sure that it is a product line you are familiar with and passionate about selling otherwise you will be wasting your time and your friends and family may laugh at you when you approach them with your sales pitch.

9 - Sell advertising

Sell Advertising Online Make MoneyThis is very close to #1, but takes much more traffic. In order tomake money while you sleep, the site has to be self-sustaining and self-maintaining, which isn’t the easiest thing to do, but is quite possible.
With enough traffic the advertising revenue becomes passive income.
You will make money while you sleep and the hard work will finally pay off. A good way to look at it is, within the first few months you may be earning around $10 – $20 dollars per day (That’s a McDonald’s meal or a full tank of gas), but as you persist and create new content your traffic will grow and so will your earnings, you may even get to the point where you could be making $100 per day, that’s a new pair of shoes each and every day or a flight to a nearby city of your choice per week.

10 - Peer to peer lending

peer to peer passive income onlineRisky and capital-intensive, peer-to-peer lending involves lending money to people over the internet — generally to people who can’t get credit any other way.
Peer-to-peer lending is very similar to ordinary investing, except with a different asset class and payoff structure. This one is often a last resort but has proven to make good for those who run things the right way and do their homework before they launch.

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Creative Ways to Make Money Using YouTube

The next time your puppy chases your child’s pet frog, your baby has a funny look on their face, or you witness an unidentified flying object, you may be an upload away from YouTube fame and fortune.
Thousands of people are cashing in on youtube“, reveals the Head of YouTube’s Partner Program, Bing Chen. Today, like never before, makeup enthusiasts, Pilates instructors, music DJ’s, and people from just about every walk of life are making money off of each viewing of their YouTube video.
What is so astonishing is that 99% of the most successful individuals on YouTube are the average everyday people who happened to have a bit of nerve, good timing, and talent thrown in for good measure.
So here’s our Creative ways to make money online using YouTube.

How To Make Money Using YouTube

Sell your own Products

cassey ho pilates on youtubeThe channel for fitness, Blogilates, and Pilates teacher Cassey Ho has 16 million views along with an e-commerce feature where she sells her own Pilate exercise clothing line and gym bags.
Cassey Ho says she makes a six-figure income now, all thanks to the #1 video sharing platform, “YouTube”.


Michelle Phan Make Money On YouTubeMichelle Phan is a 25 year old who creates makeup tutorials and teaches women how to purchase cosmetics. Miss Phan’s vivacious persona and sharp tutorials made her an instant sensation with over 3 million subscribers and more than 647 million video views.
Michelle Phan has been asked by LancĂŽme to become their authorized video makeup artist. She is just one of many that have made some serious cash from creating a successful tutorial youtube channel.

Create a Series

Make Money On YouTube SeriesBrother’s Benny and Raffi Fine made their You Tube “Kids React” series profitable. With over 360 million views, it is easy to see why. The videos show teens and children responding to pop-culture and other viral videos.
They have had so much success they can now afford to hire a team of ten employees to work with them.

Reviewing affiliate programs

Affiliate programAn easier, faster and probably the most effective method ofmaking money on YouTube is by promoting affiliate products and then linking them in your description field. To get guaranteed sales through this method, all you need is to show how the product is used to get results. This way you will be able to make a lot of sales.

Create a Hit Single!

Psy-Gangnam-StyleSouth Korean sensation Psy showcased his song “Gangnam Style” on YouTube and the rest is history. Not only has he clocked up more than 7 million likes and over 1 and a half billion views, Justin Bieber’s manager has added Psy to his roster, his single reached pole-position in the iTunes charts in at least nine countries, and he’s now a multi-millionaire just from google ads on his YouTube video!
Teen artist, Rebecca Black also cashed in on her millions when her single “Friday” went viral on YouTube. She can thank TV host Jimmy Fallon after he shared her “Friday” video clip on late night TV across America resulting in a domino effect of stardom.

Let your voice be heard!

Ted Williams Voice On YouTubeTed Williams was homeless and down on his luck until a fortunate encounter with a videographer from the Columbus Dispatch. Ted’s speaking voice was so mesmerizing, hisYouTube video went viral. After more than 20 million YouTube views Ted has been on countless TV shows and offered voiceover work from well-known companies for TV commercials and radio.
So, if you have a voice with an interesting quality, tone, or twist to it, let it be heard!

Become A YouTube Partner

YouTube Money MakerCurrently there are more than 15,000 YouTube partnersthroughout the world, and online video advertising has reached a staggering $3.4 Billion in 2012; it is expected to reach over $5 Billion in 2013. Most of them make a career out of their videos, with some managing to make 6 figures or more in a year. Partners in this program share income generated from rentals and InVideo overlay ads. They also get opportunities to participate in branded entertainment openings. The YouTube partners are usually featured on YouTube’s homepage, meaning that they enjoy more views and more chances of making money.
It is important to note that, to get into YouTube Partner Program is not easy and requires one to gain subscribers even before applying for the program.

Start A YouTube Competition

YouTube Contest Make MoneyMariah Carey’s Fan Club Remix proposed a remix competition to market a new song. There were 45,000 views within two weeks. The winner’s video claimed the 1st spot from 1,200 entries. Now, this individual has a career as a DJ and video-mixer due to YouTube’s exposure and the competition from the singer’s fan club.
If you can make your competition fun, exciting and with a great reward, you will be able to generate enough exposure for your project or company, so hit the drawing board and come up with a great, legitimate competition out there that will be a win win for you and your contestants.

Sell Links In Your Video Description

Make-Money-By-Link-Description-YouTubePrimarily, this method focuses on directing or converting YouTube visitors to another webpage or source. Here, you do not have to make ads in your videos to make money, just a link placement in the description box below.
Your main target is the small percentage of visitors that convert to real customers.

YouTube Rentals

YouTube Rentals Make MoneyThis is one of the most recent ways of making money on YouTube. In this method, content creators are allowed to offer their content for rent and then share a portion of the profits made with YouTube. However, YouTube has not yet clarified whether the service will be available to all or just certain types of users.
This will definitely provide a whole new method of making money on YouTube, as users will be charging rental fees for their videos.

Just Ask for It!

ask for money on youtubeOne good success deserves another, and exposure on YouTube helps to sanction start-ups, assisting them with raising the venture capital they need. In addition, YouTube has been assisting nonprofit organizations for fund-raising ventures as well.
The International Fund for Animal-Welfare and Greenpeace has worked with YouTube along with struggling filmmakers. If you are running a non for profit then this may be the platform for you, just make sure that the video is compelling and produced at a high enough quality to really present to the world your good cause.

Overall, in order to build a following on YouTube the beginning video maker must frequently produce fresh work. This will keep curiosity seekers returning to see what’s new, which in turn spreads the word in cyberspace about what’s trending on YouTube. In addition, video novices must title their video so that anybody searching for its content will easily find it.
If you need a little more info on how to stand out on YouTube visit this link here: 8 Ways To Create A Popular YouTube Channel.
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21(Images) Entrepreneur Picture Quotes For Victory In Business & In Life

The following collection of Entrepreneur Picture Quotes are full of amazing lessons learned, and advice that only a highly accomplished entrepreneur could share with you. Whether you are looking for inspiring advice to start your new business or just a nudge in the right direction.

Entrepreneur Picture Quotes For Success In Life & Business

Quote By Elon Musk

Founder of “SpaceX”, Co-Founder of “Tesla Motors” & “PayPal”

Elon Musk Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Sara Blakely

Founder of “Spanx”

Sara Blakely Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Richard Branson

Founder of “Virgin Group”

Richard Branson Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Peter Vesterbacka

Creator of “Angry Birds”

Peter Vesterbacka Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Michael Dell

Founder of “Dell Computers”

Michael Dell Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Martha Stewart

American Business Magnate, Author & Television Personality

Martha Stewart Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Jeff Bezos

Founder of “Amazon”

Jeff Bezos Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Larry Ellison

Billionaire Founder of “Oracle”

Larry Ellison Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Larry Page

Co-Founder of “Google”

Larry Page Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Mark Cuban

Billionaire “Shark Tank Investor” & Owner of the “Dallas Mavericks”

Mark Cuban Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Steve Jobs

Co-Founder of “Apple Computers”

Steve Jobs Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Jack Dorsey

Creator of “Twitter” & Founder of “Square”

Jack Dorsey Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Mark Zuckerberg

Billionaire Co-Founder & CEO of “Facebook”

Mark Zuckerberg Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Oprah Winfrey

Billionaire Talk Show Host, Producer & Philanthropist

Oprah Winfrey Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Howard Schultz

Chairman & CEO of “Starbucks” & Former Owner Of The “Seattle Supersonics”

Howard Schultz Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Anita Roddick

Founder of “The Body Shop”

Anita Roddick Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Eike Batista

Billionaire Brazillian Mining & Oil Magnate

Eike Batista Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Donald Trump

American Business Magnate, Television Personality & Author

Donald Trump Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Caterina Fake

Co-Founder of “Flickr” & “Hunch”

Caterina Fake Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Gary Vaynerchuk

New York Times Best Selling Author, Video Blogger & Social Media Expert

Gary Vaynerchuk Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Quote By Carlos Slim HelĂș

The Worlds Richest Man

Carlos Slim Entrepreneur Picture Quote For Success

Thanks for dropping by, we hope you enjoyed our exclusive collection of Entrepreneur Picture Quotes.

Please don’t forget to share these with your friends and family and help our inspirational community grow.

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